Latest News
    PCT S.A. supports the important efforts of the Paralympian George Sfaltos
    PCT (Container Station Piraeus Monoprosopi S.A.) proceeded in a new practical proof of its social sensitivity and really positive solidarity initiatives.
    August 30 2024
    There is no better feeling than spreading love and smiles.
    Today we were honored with the presence of little Eirini on our premises, where she received her brand new special-designed bath seat. She shared her future goals with us and amazed us with her maturity and ambitions.
    August 30 2024
    An Easter Candle for a smile!
    365 Easter Candles by "The Smile of the Child" Foundation were distributed on our premises sharing smiles not only to us but to the children and families who are receiving support during the last 26 years through the Foundation's hard work. Our warmest wishes for a safe and happy Easter for you and your families!
    August 30 2024
    The entire PCT family celebrates with respect international women’s day 2022.
    This morning we have spread smiles to all the ladies employees and visitors who were welcomed with a surprise gift, every day we welcome them with respect and equal treatment in the workplace.   We thank all the female employees of PCT for their contribution to our growth and development!
    August 30 2024