The Auto-Gate Process System (Driver ID) enables the allocation of transportation activities to all holders of a Driver ID Card.
Aim of this system is the acceleration of the operation of the entry/exit gates through:
- Limiting Access to the Gates only to those who have work.
- Simplification of the entry/exit procedure.
- Facilitation of the allocation / administration of transportation activities.
PCT S.A. with the acceptance of the request produces in its system a new reserve task/activity.
The Auto-Gate system is automatically informed and assigns the reserve tasks to the transportation companies that have been registered. The holder or the authorized representative comes at the Free Zone office of PCT S.A. in order to collect an Acknowledgement / Certificate of Customs nature. The Custom Certificate received, is then forwarded to the Customs Office in order to be processed with the necessary Custom formalities. After the implementation of all necessary custom formalities, the holder or authorized representative returns to the Free Zone office of PCT S.A., where he/she demonstrates all essential documents for the collection of the Container. The Free Zone Office produces in PCT S.A. systems a new collection activity / task.
The Auto-Gate Process System is automatically informed and assigns the collection activities to the transportation companies that have been registered.
Access to the Auto-Gate Process system is acquired to all those who have dispatched all the necessary documents and have collected their codes and tokens.
The security system of PCT S.A. demands 2 levels of code verification:
- Access to the PCT S.A. network with the use of the token
- Access to the PCT S.A. system with the use of a password
Further to a successful identification, the administration and allocation of transportation activities to each Driver ID holder can be achieved, through the knowledge of the Driver’s ID card code and a previous communication with the Driver (in the opposite case, the Driver has no way of knowing that he/she has been assigned an activity).
The allocation or change of an allocated activity can be accomplished up to the arrival of the Driver to the Free Zone premises (Custom Control Gates – “White”)
During the delivery or collection of containers a series of automated checks are being performed that demand the demonstration of the Driver ID card in total 4 control points:
- Custom Control Gates
- Identification Point (Photo)
- Entry Gate
- Exit Gate
During the arrival of the truck to the Custom Control Gates (“White”), demonstration of the Driver ID card to the special card reader is needed, which is situated to an appropriate height convenient for the Driver.
Aim of this check is to cross check that the card is linked with a valid delivery or collection activity. In the opposite case, the Driver will be indicated to retire from the port.
During the truck arrival the demonstration of the Driver ID Card is demanded to the special card reader and in continuation the truck passes through the identification point with maximum speed limit 50km/hour.
Aim of this control point is the identification through photo of the truck and the automated detection of its registered plate, the Container Number and a series of other parameters that are needed for the rapid process of the Entry Gate formalities.
During the arrival of the truck at the Entry Gates (“Yellow”), demonstration of the Driver ID card is needed to the special card reader. Further to this, the Driver chooses which of the activities that are “loaded” in his card will be implemented.
Aim of this check is to cross check the pre-registered information of the container (ex. ISO Number, size, door direction, etc.) In case of agreement of the information, a ticket is issued upon which it’s indicated the place of loading / unloading. In the opposite case the process of cross-checking information is implemented through the Gate Control Office.
After completion of work the Truck passes through the Identification point without stopping, where it’s taken a new photo, so as to be identified, and is also weighed.
With the arrival to the Exit Gates, the Driver has to demonstrate the Driver ID Card to the special card reader.
Aim of this check is to cross check that the activity registered has been successfully completed. In case of agreement of the information the EIR is issued, upon which indicated is also the weight of the truck. In opposite case or in the case of detection of an over-weight truck, the process is implemented through the Control Gate Office.
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